A well-equipped library in our institution has a collection of books, periodicals, & Journals. The Library has a computerized system with regard availability, issue, & return of books & the OPAC site contains the link to the resources of library as well as peer reviewed information available openly. The link to library online catalogue is provided where users can search the databases for books (print + online), Journal. Users can login their account where they can renew the issued books (if not reserved), reserve the already issued books along with other facilities.
- Library Automation Management Software –KOHA ILS.
- No of Computer in e-Library 21 nos .
- Reprographic Section available.
- WEB OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) available for student & Staff.
- Total No of User (Students & Staff ) 800.
As a knowledge resource Centre, to empower the user community with innovative services and outstanding collection.
To discover, preserve and disseminate the comprehensive resources and services in support of teaching learning research needed to student & faculty.
- To assist user in upgrading their knowledge, Information and skill in making proper use of library resources and services.
- To give timely and quality services and Information to our users.
- To provide effective use of print, e-resources and cost efficient services.
- To enable faculty member, student and other users of the library to get better information in fields of specialization.
Area of the Library:
The area of library is 4,800 Sq.ft.it is divided in to five parts as follows:
- Book Stack (library) : 2080 sq. ft.
- E-Library & Reading Room : 1040 Sq. ft.
- Store Room : 1040 Sq. ft.
- Librarian & OIC Chamber : 320 Sq. ft.
Rules For Library Use
- Use of Mobile Phone is not allowed in the Library
- ID Card is mandatory for using library.
- Students must sign/ scan Id in the Library entry register or In Out Management System.
- Silence should maintain strictly in Library and Reading Room.
- Bags not allowed in the Library and stack area.
- Discipline and queue must be maintained in library.
- Read the Library Notice Board time to time for updates.
- Co-operate the library staff for smooth functioning and library services.
- If you have any problem regarding library please contact to librarian.
- Only Admitted students and students with valid reason and valid permission from authority will be allowed to use the library. Outsiders and ex-students without permission are not allowed.
- Mis-behaviour in the library will be punished or penalized according to the college authority or library membership will be cancelled.
- Students must return the Book to the library , otherwise ,No due Certificate not issue from the library.
- Eating, spitting sleeping in the library is not allowed it will be treated as mis-behaviour and will be penalized as per the college authority.
- Handle the Library Book carefully.
- Return the books on due date or renewed otherwise fine will be charged at the time of clearance.
Guidelines For Reprographic Section
- The Photocopy/ Xeroxing service will be available for library books, journal article and question papers. Photocopy of outside papers or notes will be not provided.
- Rs 1/per page will be charged for photocopying.
Guidelines For the Issue Of The Books
- A student will be issued 4(four) books from the library.
- Valid ID card is compulsory for issuing the books from the library.
- Books will be issued for one Month and can renew for further month. If a student does not renew the book or return the book after the due date will charge a late fee Rupees 1/day.
- The student must check the book on issuing if found mutilated or torn pages must inform the library staff on the circulation counter otherwise the borrower will be held responsible for the same.
- If it is found that book is lost or damaged the borrower must replace with a new copy of the Book or have to pay the amount of the Book with the fine as per the college and library authority.
Rules For Reprographic Service
- 1. Service Hour: – 12.00 noon – 5.00 p.m. daily (Except Govt. holidays).
- Rate of photocopy: – @ Re. 1/-(one rupee) only per exposure per page in A-4 size paper.
- Scope of photocopy & limitation:- Only Library members of the OSME Central Library can get
photocopy of text from books, Newspaper, Journals and periodicals
- Old documents, brittle books, oversize /thick/heavy books and books with unstable binding
will not be allowed for photocopy. Personal books, papers, journal, periodicals etc. are also not
allowed for photocopy. The title page of the book is not entitled for photocopy.
- In case of required numbers of pages are two or more the photocopy will be done in both side of the paper. Same books are not entitled for photocopy against a card for several times.
- Number of pages:- Readers or user are allowed to photocopy one-third of the total pages of the
book but not exceeding of 75 pages of the book. In case of books from reference collection- the
limitation is up to 40 pages.
- Readers are allowed to photocopy only 4(four) articles from one issue of a journal /periodical.
Readers or borrowers should submit the requisition slip for photocopy supplied by the reprography
- Service may be delayed if any machinery or power default occurs. the competent authority reserves
the right to relax the rules as and when deemed necessary
Guidelines For Reading Section
- Student must (Scan ID in In Out Management System) or sign the Reading Room Entry Register on entering the Reading Room.
- The Periodicals (Journals & Magazines) will not be issued at and these shall be only available only in library reading room only. Taking out the Journals and magazine outside the library is prohibited.
- While taking the book for reading room students must deposit his/her ID card at the Reading Room Counter.
- After reading the periodical (Journal, Magazine, Newspaper) keep it on the proper place or on the reading Room Counter.
Guidelines for Internet Use
- Students are expected to use the Internet responsibly. Internet access is limited to academic activities only and personal use is not permitted except free e-mail service. Academic activities include research and educational tasks.
- E-mails sent via the college computer system should not contain content that is deemed to be offensive. This includes the use of vulgar or harassing language/images.
- Transmitting, copying or downloading any material such as copyrighted material without the permission of copyright holder is prohibited.
- Allowing someone else such as your friend or relatives on your register user ID/ or internet access permission is prohibited.
- All sites and downloads may be monitored and/or blocked by college if they are deemed to be harmful or offensive.
- Attaching any devices such as pen drives, mobiles or any electronic or storage media without permission is prohibited.
- The installation of any software is strictly prohibited.
- Sending or posting discriminatory, harassing, or threatening messages or images on the Internet via college internet service are prohibited.
- Using computers to perpetrate any form of fraud, and/or software, film or music piracy, stealing, using, or disclosing someone else’s password without authorization is prohibited.
- Downloading, copying or pirating software, images, videos and electronic files that are copyrighted or without authorization is prohibited.
- Sharing confidential material, pictures, or proprietary information outside of the College, Sending or posting information that is defamatory to the college, its activities, colleagues and teachers is prohibited.
- Passing off personal views as representing those of the organization is prohibited.
- The college do not accept any responsibility or liability for any matter, issue, claim, action, inaction proceeding, demand, damage, loss, cost, charge or expense which any user may suffer or incur, either directly or indirectly, through the use of this service.
- Internet user will be fully responsible for consequences arising during his session.
- Violation of the above could result in disciplinary and/or legal action leading up to and including termination from college. Users may also be held personally liable for damages.
Library Staff Details:
Name |
Bikash Kumar Behera |
Designation |
Librarian |
Qualification |
- MLISC: Master of Library & Information Science.
- CDL: Certificate in Digital Library
- PGDLAN: Post Graduate Diploma in Library Automation & Networking
Contact No. |
+91 7978491328 |
E-mail. |
osmelibrary@gmail.com |
Library Collection:
Sl No |
Library Collection (Materials) |
Title |
Volume |
1 |
Books |
5041 |
16818 |
2 |
Online Resources
e-Book |
71 |
71 |
3 |
Online Resources
e-Journal |
388 |
388 |
4 |
Print Journal |
18 |
18 |
5 |
Magazine |
04 |
75 |
6 |
News Paper |
02 |
300 |
7 |
Online Resources
e-News Paper
(English & Odia & Hindi) |
15+6+14 |
35 |
Department wise Book Collection:
Sl No |
Title |
Volume |
1 |
Mining Engineering |
907 |
3579 |
2 |
Mechanical Engineering |
720 |
3301 |
3 |
Metallurgical Engineering |
689 |
1966 |
4 |
Electrical Engineering |
622 |
2751 |
5 |
Drilling Engineering |
245 |
850 |
6 |
Civil Engineering |
513 |
1971 |
7 |
Math & Sc (1st Year) |
245 |
1300 |
8 |
Odia & English Novel |
1100 |
1100 |
5041 |
16818 |
Library Working Hours:
Sl No |
Section |
Day |
Timings |
Every Saturday |
1 |
Library Circulation |
Monday – Friday |
10:00AM – 05:00PM |
10:00 AM- 02:00 PM |
2 |
Reading Room |
Monday – Friday |
10:00AM – 05:00PM |
3 |
e-Library |
Monday – Friday |
10:00AM – 05:00PM |
4 |
Reprographic |
Monday – Friday |
02:00PM – 05:00PM |
NB: The Library Remains Closed on Sundays & Statutory Holidays.
Borrowing Privileges of Library User:
Sl No |
Users |
Books |
Journal, News Paper, Magazine |
Days |
1 |
Students |
04 |
Only read in Library & Reading Room |
90 |
2 |
Faculty |
10 |
Only read in Library & Reading Room |
180 |
3 |
Non-Teaching Staff |
02 |
Only read in Library & Reading Room |
90 |
4 |
Lab. Assistants |
05 |
Only read in Library & Reading Room |
90 |
5 |
Library Staff |
05 |
Only read in Library & Reading Room |
90 |